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Are you ready for the next step in your career?

At Lea­ding Talents Exe­cu­ti­ve Search, the con­fi­den­ti­al direct search is our core com­pe­tence.
Here is a sel­ec­tion of curr­ent­ly open posi­ti­ons:

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Only a small part of the exci­ting manage­ment posi­ti­ons are offi­ci­al­ly adver­ti­sed. The majo­ri­ty of exci­ting manage­ment posi­ti­ons in the beau­ty, fashion, retail, FMCG, life­style and luxu­ry sec­tors are fil­led through a covert exe­cu­ti­ve search. These posi­ti­ons are not adver­ti­sed, but poten­ti­al can­di­da­tes are approa­ched by us dis­creet­ly and direct­ly.

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